Our focus is within developing and creating innovative and ground breaking technology within the Juvenile Products Industry, We provide a new level of digital features and functions to Parents and carers of young children through our brand partners.



3262 Penryn Rd Loomis California


March 11, 2020
Ideas / Technology
ChillBaby™ Technologies

How it Works

Our Patent pending SMART car seat system was created in response to several reports stating that most new parents struggle to fit their child’s car seat in their car. A 2016 report by the national highway traffic safety administration found that up to 59% of car seats were fitted incorrectly in which safety was reduced due to errors in fitting.

Our development team set to work in researching and developing a low cost SMART system to solve this problem and increase a Childs safety when travelling by car.

Our SMART system provides a live system which detects a child and then detects the car seat is installed correctly via a variety of sensors. Safety alerts notify parents either via a light indicator on the Childs seat or via Bluetooth to a SMART device and highlights where the issue or incorrect fitting is and how to correct it.

Babies are less able to regulate their body temperature & when exposed to cold can quickly develop a dangerously low body temperature (i.e., become hypothermic).Heat extremes can lead to heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke. Children overheat 5 times faster than adults.The temperature monitor detects extremes and alerts parents or carers when temperatures can start to become uncomfortable or dangerous for young children.


Other Features within the System

Left in Car

when seat sensor detects child, and phone leaves Bluetooth range an alert is sent to users phone.

Upgrade to next sized car seat (weight)

seat sensor detects weight, when weight over X kgs alert sent to users phone telling them to upgrade.

Change from rear facing to front facing

When child's weight reaches X kgs alert sent to users phone telling them to change from rear facing to front facing.

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